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Non Surgical Rhinoplasty

1 ml Non surgical rhinoplasty - £230

3 month desired top up - £130


Clients can book a top up after initial appointment if they want to further tweak the nose or have found in rare cases the product has dissolved slightly quicker due to the treatment area struggling to hold product as well. Building any area of filler will allow for longer lasting results. Our clients on average treat their noses every 12-24 months.


You will discuss your desired looks on the day of your treatment with your injector at your complimentary pre treatment consultation


Dermal filler is a Hyaluronic acid based gel which when injected into the nose can be used to reshape, define, hide bumps, and straighten the nose.

Non surgical rhinoplasty is an advanced dermal filler treatment and is considered a higher risk area than dermal filler elsewhere on the face. Beckie is highly experienced in non surgical rhinoplasty after years of training, practice and love for the treatment.


We most commonly perform this treatment on clients who:

  • Want a subtle correction to the nose

  • Do not want to undergo surgery

  • Prefer instant results with little downtime

  • Have a flat nose bridge that requires building up

  • Have a ‘hooked’ nose

  • Have a small bump they would like to correct

  • Have a small nose requires building up

  • Want a more defined nose with a raised nasal tip


We can provide very natural looking results to complete reshape for a pixie lift/ surgical looking result dependant on each individual clients preferences.


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 8-9 Sheep Market, Spalding PE11 1BH


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